Monday 17 October 2011


The public meeting is at Gogharo (District Kambar Shahdadkot) by the local branch of Khilafat Committee. Speakers reiterate Sindhi Muslims unconditional support to Turky and Khilafat issue.

Sindh Separation Day' is observed in the length and breath of Sindh.
It is irony of fate that this Idea was for the first time by Seth Harchandrai Vishindas who latter on opposed the Movement. It was his political mistake to throw the ball in the court of Sindhi landlords, those availed this opportunity with both hands. It was not a 'Movement of Masses', but chance for Muslim Upper Class. Hindus and Muslims, both, committed political mistake in dealing with the issue resulting Great Division of a Nation in Hindu and Muslim segments. This Movement set undue political trends and Sindh became 'place of interests & political experiments' for other parties and provinces.

Sepration of Sindh from Mombai presidency, not only divided Sindhi on religious grounds, but forced Muslim Upper Class to invole itself in ugly tug of war for power. Muslims formed and changed political parties like cloths. Muslim became hide out for clever Sindhi leaders. They very intentional reaped that was swon by Khilafat Tahrik & Sindh Separation Movement. On this date (16.9.1939) meeting is held at Haroon House, ' Masjid Manzalgah restoration Committee' is renamed as 'WAR COUNCIL' and K.B. Khuhuro is elected as its chairman.

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